For the monitoring of a project BioVision provides two services: Audits and Measurements.

The environmental audits allow companies to assess their environmental performance and, in this area, BioVision develops Environmental Action Plans to correct actions needed to achieve the necessary environmental compliance of the company.

The environmental audits are of legal compliance according to Decree No. 25/2011: Regulation on the Environmental Audit Process.

Measurements are an essential tool in monitoring any project.

It is with the measurement reports that we can define the environmental status of the project and fine-tune the measures implemented under the Environmental Management Plan.

We have knowledge and experience in carrying out measurements and analyzing the results taking into account international requirements (from the World Bank for example), as well as national legislation regarding quality standards.

The noise measurements are performed with a calibrated sound level meter and the air and water quality measurements are performed in partnership with public entities and private laboratories, chosen according each project.