The main objective of Cop26 was to increase global ambition, particularly with regard to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, the UN report notes that state efforts and commitments are still not enough.

Thus, we hope that COP27 will strengthen the ambition and implementation of measures to limit global warming.

The COP27 took place between November 6th and 18th in Africa, more precisely in Egypt. The fact that it took place in the African continent can be seen as a call for a moment of solidarity and cooperation between underdeveloped and developed countries.

The COP27 is extremely relevant to reaffirm goals and ensure the implementation of necessary and urgent actions on climate.

Main issues discussed at COP27:

  • – climate emergencies and strategies to mitigate their effects;
  • – sustainable agriculture;
  • – sustainable practices in agribusiness;
  • – partnerships between countries and companies in order to diminish the impacts of climate change through measures and actions;
  • – guaranteeing food security, especially in underdeveloped countries;
  • – deforestation in Brazilian biomes (Amazónia… )
  • – carbon credit market;
  • – impacts of climate change and pollution on biodiversity;
  • – challenges and strategies to prevent species degradation;
  • – gender equality and women’s participation.

Meetings like COP27 are extremely important as they aim to ensure that countries, governments, and companies work together. In this specific case, it aims at the implementation of new solutions for the reduction of climate change impacts.

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