Resettlement is a delicate social process and must be developed by specialized and experienced technical personnel. It is extremely important to take into consideration the local reality and current legislation in conjunction with international best practices (e.g. World Bank environmental and social safeguards).

Biovision has specialized staff with more than 10 years of experience in this type of work in national and international territory.

In all projects that involve physical and economic displacement, a resettlement process adapted to the local reality must be planned and implemented.

Resettlement has as its main objectives to boost the country’s socio-economic development and ensure that the affected population has an improved quality of life. 

Main principles to be taken into account when preparing a resettlement:

– Principle of Social Cohesion

– Principle of Social Equality

– Principle of Direct Benefit

– Principle of Social Equity

– No Income Level Alteration Principle

– Environmental and Social Responsibility Principle

– Protection of Cultural Heritage Principle

Biovision takes into consideration all of the above principles when preparing the Resettlement Action Plan, from the survey of people and property affected by the project to their actual relocation, through negotiation, definition of eligibilities and signing of contracts.

The Resettlement Action Plan is the basis of the entire procedure since it guides the process of resettlement and compensation of communities affected by a given development process or project. This instrument is essential and mandatory for obtaining the Environmental License for projects to be developed in Mozambique.

As social expertise, we also have the following services

– Population census;

– Socio-economic surveys

– Surveys;

– Resettlement Plans;

– Implementation of Resettlement Plans.